Season 1, Episode 7
Joshua Bradley Jenkins
Joshua Jenkins
Crime: Homicide
Age at Time of Crime: 15
Characteristics: Familicide- Parricide.
Reason: Revenge for sending him to boarding school.
Number of victims: 5
Date of murders: February 2-3, 1996.
Date of arrest: February 4, 1996.
Victims: His adoptive parents, grandparents, and sister.
Method of murder: Hitting with a hammer and stabbing with knife / Beating with an axe.
Location: San Diego County, California, USA.
Status: Sentenced to 112 years in prison without parole on June 30, 1997. Still in Custody.
Left: Joshua’s Adoptive Parents, George and Alene Jenkins with their daughter and his little sister, Megan Jenkins.
Right: William and Evelyn Grossman. Parents of Alene Jenkins and Grabdparents of Joshua and Megan Jenkins.